Ruby Blocks Quiz

As a mini internal project we decided to work on a ruby quiz app. It’s a simple multiple choice quiz app (we only have one quiz so far), where users can test their skills, learn something new, and compare themselve to other developers. We see it having potential as a continuing education tool and as a supplement to all those online tutorial videos.

Right now its a Mini Alpha MVP in public Beta, but we had some ideas of some future features like:

  1. User accounts to save results
  2. Spaced repetition of questions for retention
  3. More quizzes around fundamental and advanced topics
  4. Analytics

We also took the opportunity to try out some new technologies / designs, that we haven’t used in other projects like:

  1. Single page app architecture
  2. AngularJS
  3. Bourbon and Neat sass libraries

Anyways let us know if you have any suggestions or feedback!

P.S.- We want to give a special thanks to Doug Foster who contributed to this project!